Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday Funday.

Kevin and I went to Hangar 24, a local craft brewery. It was nice
to get away by ourselves for a few hours. Then we hurried back to our 
little nugget so we could take him to the park for his first time. He really
enjoyed the lake and ducks...but when it comes to swings NO WAY. He 
was screaming bloody murder (like a girl in a horror movie) I'm a little surprised
CPS wasn't called with all the commotion he caused! Really. We took him off the swing 
right away but he wouldn't calm down. Oh well, nothing a little climbing around on
the playground couldn't fix. We finished the day off playing games with my parents. 
All in all it was a fun Sunday, we love it when Kevin is home on the weekends:)


  1. Sounds like a fun time. I still laugh everytime I think about the Scategories game we all played. So funny!

    Poor baby Braylon - he's probably having nightmares about swings!

  2. What was your favorite beer?

  3. Bhahaha he really probably does have swing nightmares!
    We both like the orange wheat beer, which is the only one I had ever tried before.

  4. Grandma Magie, NanaMay 23, 2012 at 1:11 PM

    Love your blog - it makes me happy to watch it. Braylon is such a CUTE baby! Of corse, I'm not prejudice - I would think so anyway. I miss seeing him and his mommy and daddy.
    Love, Grandma,Nana
